Monday, April 25, 2011

The Lego Video

Darn blog spot.  I have tried several times to upload Howard's how-to video and I think it's just too long.  8 minuutes worth of video can't be handled by the blogosphere - oh well.  I included a picture of Howard with his newest Lego's received over the Easter weekend, from the Easter bunny, of course.
Speaking of Easter, we had a great weekend.  The weather was AMAZING!  Saturday morning we aerated and power raked our yard.  We left the mess to clean up until after 2 of Howard's soccer games and soccer pictures.  When we got home, the clean-up began and holy smokes, it took a lot!  We filled up several yard garbage bags of power-raked grass (almost 300 lbs worth according to the Waste to Energy people who kindly took it off our hands).  We filled up the back of the pick-up.  The work was worth it - our yard is looking GREAT!  Now begins the dubious task of deciding what we are going to do with the over-grown edges around our yard.
Sunday (Easter), the weather was even more beautiful than Saturday!  We decided to take the kids out for a bike ride on the Centennial Trail after hunting eggs and checking out the goods from the Easter Bunny.  Howard LOVES riding bikes, so we took his too and Hazel in the bike trailer.  Howard rode all 4 miles and was pooped out after the ride.  He slept so well last night.  :)  We couldn't have asked for nicer riding weather. Our hour long ride was perfect!  Hazel seemed to enjoy the bike trailer, she slept for the last half of the trip.  We tried to find a small enough helmet for her, but ended up letting her ride without one, as the smallest one we had was too big as you may be able to see in the pictures.  We are hoping for many  more weekends of weather like we had last weekend!

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