Monday, September 19, 2011

It feels like fall

Yes, it feels like fall.  BUT, I was watching the weather report and it's expected to be 90 degrees this coming Saturday????  WOW!  I'll take it.  Another day of warm bliss....  ahhh.

Hazel is growing so fast!  I bought several clearance summer items for her for this summer and next summer at the end of last winter.  After having to give away some of the things I had bought for her for this summer because she was bigger than I thought she'd be, I pulled out some of the items I had stashed for NEXT summer, only to see that they are going to just fit her now, at the end of this summer.  So, I had to snap a picture of her in this super cute watermelon outfit that she will get to wear a time or two before it's too cold.

Howard has wanted cowboy boots for as long as I can remember.  We always look for a pair at the used kids stores when we visit.  We have found a few pairs, but his feet are just too tall to get into most boots.  That is... until we found a pair last week that FIT!  He was so excited.  He has worn them a lot, even to school once.

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